This is my second day off of three and our down day. Yesterday we went out and just enjoyed the day and tomorrow we plan on going out with the friends and I plan on doing a spa day, but today we have nothing. It is a beautiful day out and what am I doing? Watching Dexter. My whole family is into it I might as well watch the pilot right?
As I watch netflix on my laptop I see the reflection of myself and feel proud. I am wearing a shirt that stopped fitting a year and a half ago and my stomach is not huge. I am just so happy. I feel the need to go out and run it is just the getting up. HHMM... I guess after dexter I am going out for that long awaited jog. I fear if I go jogging I may not stop. This weight loss makes me feel so powerful. I know this is the first step in a bad direction so I am trying to control it. Slowing down is not an option for me I want this so bad and I have never been so proud and felt more like myself. I need to hit this goal. I have only lost one pant size need 3 more to go.
Well off to enjoy the rest of Dexter and then a jog. Is anyone reading this? haha I doubt it but I feel better writing it
Fit Thin Vampires
I have always been a fan of vampire and fantasy and love reading vampire books. I am listening to Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter. It is amazing! Abraham Lincoln was the second biography I ever read, second book really. I had always had problems with reading but his drive to learn gave me drive in a way. This book is so up my alley!
Not much on the fitness front. I feel a big down that I am not eating more "clean" food but at least I am eating. We ran out of water today and I am a bit dehydrated which sucks. My shoulders are a bit sore from the push ups but only right before bed, I can suck it up. I feel a bit down as well that I am not working out as much. I am off for the next three days I can make up for it.
I am still proud of the weight loss and I am not stopping until I get to 120 or size 5/6. the skin thing is still worrying me but I think workout more will help. I need to build more muscle. New goal yay...?
My drama is still on going because said friend is a bit to childish to stop and realize he needs to hide out for a few weeks. Many are tired of his drama, back biting and racism. He is still going though some never learn.
Not much on the fitness front. I feel a big down that I am not eating more "clean" food but at least I am eating. We ran out of water today and I am a bit dehydrated which sucks. My shoulders are a bit sore from the push ups but only right before bed, I can suck it up. I feel a bit down as well that I am not working out as much. I am off for the next three days I can make up for it.
I am still proud of the weight loss and I am not stopping until I get to 120 or size 5/6. the skin thing is still worrying me but I think workout more will help. I need to build more muscle. New goal yay...?
My drama is still on going because said friend is a bit to childish to stop and realize he needs to hide out for a few weeks. Many are tired of his drama, back biting and racism. He is still going though some never learn.
Rant time
This is really not a weight loss blog, well a little first I want to talk about drama others cause for themselves.
Ok so a friend has decided to that they are better then others and to go after my Boyfriend (in a round about way) and a girl friend of mine. I have known this person for years and they are very unique. But he has decided that he is going to try to get into a hurting friend's pants and he has been telling others about it. That pissed me off. After that he has now tried to get the other's in my boyfriend's band to leave him and start a band of his own those these ppl have both said they will never work with him again. This pissed me off more but I am done with this person now because he has lied to me, and claimed another friend is a lair. He has used women and hurt a friend, talked total crap about my boyfriend even though he has been a great friend to him.
On a fitness note I am UNDER 200 I am about 198 that is 78 lbs to go. I am getting a bit of loose skin so I think I will need to pump up the weight lifting to help that. Back to fitness no more complained.
Ok so a friend has decided to that they are better then others and to go after my Boyfriend (in a round about way) and a girl friend of mine. I have known this person for years and they are very unique. But he has decided that he is going to try to get into a hurting friend's pants and he has been telling others about it. That pissed me off. After that he has now tried to get the other's in my boyfriend's band to leave him and start a band of his own those these ppl have both said they will never work with him again. This pissed me off more but I am done with this person now because he has lied to me, and claimed another friend is a lair. He has used women and hurt a friend, talked total crap about my boyfriend even though he has been a great friend to him.
On a fitness note I am UNDER 200 I am about 198 that is 78 lbs to go. I am getting a bit of loose skin so I think I will need to pump up the weight lifting to help that. Back to fitness no more complained.
Just keep swimming....
It is all going well, thank goodness. I have lost 6 pounds or so in a week. Before I get the crazy comments I know it is not healthy and this was not my goal. I just want to get down in size.
Next my points system is still in place and I feel it is the driving focus to me still going. I guess making it a game was my best idea yet. I have not over ate (though I have had some processed foods), work out daily and drink my water YAY.
I feel better since I cut back on the processed food and excess calories. I have energy and am pretty mellow. Less anger is good. I have been having a bit of should pain but it seems to be getting better. I went out dancing the other night and out danced a friend much thinner then me and sang karaoke. I feel more out going, I think that has more to do with just trying to live life more and less time on the side lines.
As for the dancing there are pictures! I looked at them and thought wow I am still big but damn I can't imagine how big I was before (I refused to have pictures taken there is one tho a friend took for her baby shower I will have to find it.
Yep that is me the fat brunette. Like I said I do not look a lot better but you can tell I have lost weight. Here is the one from the other night.

I am the one is red.
So got somewhere but so far to go. Only 82 more pounds and 256 more days to go. So 1 pound every three days. If I just going the way I will lose it all in 2 months that would be a bit nuts. But I am going to stay the course I know it will all figure out.
Well off to do my squats, push-ups and crunches. I am at 3 points already hehe
Next my points system is still in place and I feel it is the driving focus to me still going. I guess making it a game was my best idea yet. I have not over ate (though I have had some processed foods), work out daily and drink my water YAY.
I feel better since I cut back on the processed food and excess calories. I have energy and am pretty mellow. Less anger is good. I have been having a bit of should pain but it seems to be getting better. I went out dancing the other night and out danced a friend much thinner then me and sang karaoke. I feel more out going, I think that has more to do with just trying to live life more and less time on the side lines.
As for the dancing there are pictures! I looked at them and thought wow I am still big but damn I can't imagine how big I was before (I refused to have pictures taken there is one tho a friend took for her baby shower I will have to find it.
I am the one is red.
So got somewhere but so far to go. Only 82 more pounds and 256 more days to go. So 1 pound every three days. If I just going the way I will lose it all in 2 months that would be a bit nuts. But I am going to stay the course I know it will all figure out.
Well off to do my squats, push-ups and crunches. I am at 3 points already hehe
On the right track you can be too!
At the beginning of this year I thought I know I am going to fail again. This sucks I can't find the right way to do this. I am going to be fat for ever just suck it up but I still started and about a week ago I thought what makes me want to do this? Earning something for them. Facebook I post to earn comments, same with texts and youtube. I read to earn a story. Why not do the same for a diet. I made a game of it and earn points. trying to get 5 points a day. If I get 100 points I can have and extra 500 calories for a day and if I don't make enough points in a week it is an extra hour work out the next week NO points. It has given me drive to do this and to lose this weight. Only a week in and I feel great and my cloths fit so well and even people at work have noticed. I have not weighted my self but it is not about weight it is about being happy in the body I am in and happy with what I am doing and I am.
I realized today I earned something else with this point system I am not so driven by food. I went into target and looked at the dollar bins and realized the first thing I did in stores was look for something to eat or drink when I was not hungry or thirsty. This is still not going to be easy but at least I am making it fun. I love feeling my abs throughout the day because I did my crunches the night before and I actually love drinking just water or tea it makes life some much easier and most of all I have cut a lot of processed foods out so I feel more alive and calm and my skin is clearing up.
Here is my point system for any one that wants to try.
The Rules: Try to get 5 or more points a day, for each 100 points you get you get 500 extra calories (for one day with in a week of getting the 100) if you do not get at least 21 points a week it is an extra hour of working out with not points from it the next week (can break into 2 30 minute sessions if it is a busy week)
+2 losing ten pounds
+1 30 minutes of working out
+1 drinking 8 glasses of water
+1 for having only your daily allowed calories (or less) (mine is 1200 a day)
+1/2 for 500 crunches (do what you know is hard but not crazy)
+1/2 100 squats (I prefer weighted squats)
+1/2 50 push ups
-1 having over 300 daily allotted calories
-1 for each 100 calories over that 300 (so example if I had 1700 calories in a day that would be -3)
That is about it so far. I may add more or change some and of course you can do the same don't make it to easy or to hard and if you don't have a great day one day remember tomorrow you start fresh and can counter at the bad days with great ones. I use to help my calories counting and then count my points the next morning and note it in my agenda.
I hope this helps and please remember don't get crazy with this and don't let it take over your life. It is to help you stay motivated and find a balance for you. GOOD LUCK!
I realized today I earned something else with this point system I am not so driven by food. I went into target and looked at the dollar bins and realized the first thing I did in stores was look for something to eat or drink when I was not hungry or thirsty. This is still not going to be easy but at least I am making it fun. I love feeling my abs throughout the day because I did my crunches the night before and I actually love drinking just water or tea it makes life some much easier and most of all I have cut a lot of processed foods out so I feel more alive and calm and my skin is clearing up.
Here is my point system for any one that wants to try.
The Rules: Try to get 5 or more points a day, for each 100 points you get you get 500 extra calories (for one day with in a week of getting the 100) if you do not get at least 21 points a week it is an extra hour of working out with not points from it the next week (can break into 2 30 minute sessions if it is a busy week)
+2 losing ten pounds
+1 30 minutes of working out
+1 drinking 8 glasses of water
+1 for having only your daily allowed calories (or less) (mine is 1200 a day)
+1/2 for 500 crunches (do what you know is hard but not crazy)
+1/2 100 squats (I prefer weighted squats)
+1/2 50 push ups
-1 having over 300 daily allotted calories
-1 for each 100 calories over that 300 (so example if I had 1700 calories in a day that would be -3)
That is about it so far. I may add more or change some and of course you can do the same don't make it to easy or to hard and if you don't have a great day one day remember tomorrow you start fresh and can counter at the bad days with great ones. I use to help my calories counting and then count my points the next morning and note it in my agenda.
I hope this helps and please remember don't get crazy with this and don't let it take over your life. It is to help you stay motivated and find a balance for you. GOOD LUCK!
Ok so I was doing well. I lost about 5 lbs. then I stopped dieting and stopped working out. It is totally obvious that I was going to gain it back.
New things that I found out. First is that I may have PCOS. It pretty much means I am fat and other fun stuff. I have to go about weight loss in a very different ways, but I know that if I do crazy cardio for hours I loss weight fast. It is more about getting off my butt. Which I can do. I really wish someone was with me.
Doing this alone... My boyfriend has decided that he needs to go to the gym but is afraid do to his MS. He refuses to diet as well. So he is in need of a diet and exercise. I feel bad but I have straight out said PLEASE go to the gym and diet. He has agreed in a way. He forgets and I have to remind him often and I feel horrible, he is good at the "Oh yeah shit." I am such a push over. I need to grow a pair.He then eats to much of the heathly food and does not ever get out of his chair.
Today I have decided I am going to do this all for me just me if someone wants to join go for it but I am like all that are on diets alone and have to find my inner strength and have ten months to lose that 90 lbs. So about 10 lbs a month starting today! OKAY this will happen and I will grow? RIGHT? We will see. I have changed a lot of the pass year so this can happen.
I do have to say I stopped eating a lot of processed foods and found that when I started eating them again they all have weird after tastes. It only lasts a few days, pretty much however long you stopped but you sort of taste the wrongness of it all. I highly suggest trying it and I believe it may help you as well. It does take about 5 days then go back to your normal processed crap you will see. Enough bitching and the same I fail. Next time I write I know I will be proud and happy!
WORKOUT of the MOMENT: (I thought I would add something that I am loving that is helping me work out, I have still been doing this at house at the least.) I found a BBC show called OVER THE RAINBOW in which Andrew Llyod Webber was trying to find the Dorothy for his new Wizard of Oz musical and the videos of each singing and dance number are on youtube. I love to dance so I watch the up beat videos and dance to them. Here is the hard part after learning the dance singing with it on key. (if you are not a singing it is ok just try to keep up I promise you will be working for it unless you are in amazing shape). I respect those girls now seeing they did at least three numbers a show. I am just getting to the singing in the first MASH-UP. So if you love to dance and can learn without someone telling you the moves go for it here is the video I am on and you can do it at home. GOOD LUCK!
New things that I found out. First is that I may have PCOS. It pretty much means I am fat and other fun stuff. I have to go about weight loss in a very different ways, but I know that if I do crazy cardio for hours I loss weight fast. It is more about getting off my butt. Which I can do. I really wish someone was with me.
Doing this alone... My boyfriend has decided that he needs to go to the gym but is afraid do to his MS. He refuses to diet as well. So he is in need of a diet and exercise. I feel bad but I have straight out said PLEASE go to the gym and diet. He has agreed in a way. He forgets and I have to remind him often and I feel horrible, he is good at the "Oh yeah shit." I am such a push over. I need to grow a pair.He then eats to much of the heathly food and does not ever get out of his chair.
Today I have decided I am going to do this all for me just me if someone wants to join go for it but I am like all that are on diets alone and have to find my inner strength and have ten months to lose that 90 lbs. So about 10 lbs a month starting today! OKAY this will happen and I will grow? RIGHT? We will see. I have changed a lot of the pass year so this can happen.
I do have to say I stopped eating a lot of processed foods and found that when I started eating them again they all have weird after tastes. It only lasts a few days, pretty much however long you stopped but you sort of taste the wrongness of it all. I highly suggest trying it and I believe it may help you as well. It does take about 5 days then go back to your normal processed crap you will see. Enough bitching and the same I fail. Next time I write I know I will be proud and happy!
WORKOUT of the MOMENT: (I thought I would add something that I am loving that is helping me work out, I have still been doing this at house at the least.) I found a BBC show called OVER THE RAINBOW in which Andrew Llyod Webber was trying to find the Dorothy for his new Wizard of Oz musical and the videos of each singing and dance number are on youtube. I love to dance so I watch the up beat videos and dance to them. Here is the hard part after learning the dance singing with it on key. (if you are not a singing it is ok just try to keep up I promise you will be working for it unless you are in amazing shape). I respect those girls now seeing they did at least three numbers a show. I am just getting to the singing in the first MASH-UP. So if you love to dance and can learn without someone telling you the moves go for it here is the video I am on and you can do it at home. GOOD LUCK!
danielle hope,
over the rainbow,
weight loss,
Wizard of OZ
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